The first synthesis of ununtrium used the isotopic forms of americium and californium. During the reaction, the isotope, number 243, of americium was reacted with the isotope, number 48, of californium to produce three nuclei of ununbium in isotope, number 288, form and four neutrons; this procedure also produce one nuclei of the isotope, number 287, of ununbium and one neutron. Once the ununbium was formed, in a matter of milliseconds it underwent decay releasing alpha particles which produced isotopic forms of the element helium. These isotopic forms of helium also decayed in a matter of milliseconds to produce different isotopic forms of ununtrium. The synthesis of this element did not take place until 2004, and it was successfully synthesized again in 2006. Ununtrium may never be isolated in a form in which it can be studied as it can only be synthesized in such tiny amounts at one time.